Called 888-338-9333, as per the representatives instructions on Sat. Gxxxx answered and, as usual, could not locate my account. She ended up finding my account in the other system by name and state. Then she said she needed to transfer me to billing (which is the number I thought I was given on Saturday when I asked what number to call to reach billing. Was successfully transferred, but given yet another number, 888-483-3467, in case I was disconnected during the transfer.
-Transferred to Cxxxx - Of course, standard difficulty locating account because I do not have Verison telephone service. Again, located my account in the other system. Again, not talking to someone from billing, the original number I called, and to whom I was supposedly transferred.
-Transferred to holding queue - Mrs. Txxxx - Again, I am in some other sytem because I do not have Verizon phone service. Again, I am told that I should be calling billing at 888-438-347 and she will transfer me... Again, not speaking to someone in billing to whom I was supposedly transferred.
-Fxxxx - same old problem locating my account. This time, I suggested that Fxxxx check the other system first, to which he replied "I really need to start at square one". Of course, he could not locate my account at square one and had to resort to the other system to find my account. Unbelievably again, indicated that he needed to transfer me to FiOS billing. WTF!!! When someone transfers me to billing, why do I not get transferred to billing! Also promised to make sure a "warm body" was on the line before he transferred me, just like Mrs. Txxxx promised.
-Axxxx - blah blah blah, other system. Now she informs me that in addition to my television already having been cancelled, my FiOS InterNet service is pending removal. Says she will turn my TV back on, but my InterNet will eventually be cancelled.
Suddenly, my thoughts shifted to delinquent accounts, even though I had already verified recent and regular charges to my credit card. She assured me that my accounts are NOT delinquent.
She needs to set me up as a new customer and that the monthly fee is 5.00 more. Claims she will credit me 60.00 (12 months x 5.00), also she will make sure I do not get billed any (re)activation fee. Needed to place a new order and give my SSN & bday, not happy about that. I also requested that they send me a bill each month instead of credit card. As I am a new customer, I can get the Movie and Sports package free until 1/1/2009, I just need remember to cancel by 1/1/2009.
She says she will "watch" the InterNet service so that when it is taken down, she will see that it is put back up. Says she will issue a credit for InterNet (re)connection charge as well. Asked for a ticket number for "notations" she gave me old and new account numbers for both services as well as order numbers for both new services.
She cannot place InterNet order until my service is actually disconnected. Will issue credit for connection charges, also, since new order, InterNet went up by 8.00, she will credit 8.00 for each month for 1 year. While on the phone, TV came on, InterNet went off. She said it was a good thing because now she has ability to put the new order through Can expect immediate to 4 hours for re-connect. If I have problems w/ InterNet, call fiber solutions number 888-553-1555.
A total time of 1:21 for this call. Now I am late for work